Engage Us
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Image: Gianna Rizzo
Expanding capacity
and careers.
If you are a neurodivergent, disabled, or intellectually disabled artist, a supported studio, or a potential partner with an idea or challenge, please contact us.
Our Services
Working one-on-one with artists to expand their professional practice. Initiatives include project development, basic artist websites, social media profiles, biographies and CVs.
We specialise in creating diverse exhibitions, and our expertise in working with artists in collaboration with galleries, studios, and institutions sets us apart.
Working with studios, galleries, and organisations to guide art, accessible and inclusive creative projects, frameworks, and permanent and temporary installations.
Collaborating with artists and organisations to bring commercial initiatives and passion projects to life, including image licensing, product development, and publishing.
Offering tailored and accessible one-on-one and group residencies for artists and collaborators while catering to artists’ nuanced support and access needs.
Providing professional development workshops for artists at all stages of their careers. We encourage peer, community, and partner participation in group sessions.
“We embrace innovative approaches, projects, and relationships and share our experiences to foster vibrant and diverse arts ecosystems.”
\ Sim Luttin
Founder & Director
Thank You ♡
“It's incredible what you have done and are doing, you make such a difference in so many people's lives.”
—Elyse de Valle, Artist & Archivist